Universidad Europea, KAUDAL Y ARQUIMEA Research Center abren cauces para impulsar el desarrollo de proyectos I+D+i

Julio 13, 2020
  • The agreement has been ratified by the Dean, Cristiana Oliveira; the General Manager of Kaudal, Manuel García-Sañudo, and the General Manager of ARQUIMEA Research Center, Rubén Criado.

The Universidad Europea de Canarias will promote the development of R&D&i projects (research, development and innovation) among students thanks to the agreement ratified with the companies Kaudal and ARQUIMEA Research Center, both based in Tenerife, which aim to identify innovative projects, generate patronage actions and support and promote such projects.

This agreement, signed by the Dean of the Universidad Europea de Canarias, Cristiana Oliveira; the General Manager of Kaudal, Manuel García-Sañudo and the General Manager of ARQUIMEA Research Center, Rubén Criado, aims to establish channels for jointly carrying out training, advice and research activities.

For this purpose, the three entities will carry out joint activities such as training courses, seminars or conferences; research projects and studies; and mentoring and information Exchange. Al lof it within the field of academic training and support to disruptive and innovative projects.

For the Dean of the Universidad Europea de Canarias, this agreement “is part of the University’s strategy, through which we generate synergies with companies and entities, both public and private, that promote cross-cutting activities that result in curricular and extra-curricular knowledge for the students.”

“In this specific case, the agreement opens a door for students that are curious about entrepreneurship, with innovative ideas, as we approached two of the companiesthat are most strongly committed to research, development and innovation at the international level,” added Cristiana Oliveira.

ARQUIMEA Research Center is part of ARQUIMEA and aims to participate in research and development projects generated by its companies, as well as the execution of long-term basic research projects promoted by the company.

“Collaborating with the UEC strengthens our link with the university ecosystem and gets us closer to the generations that we want to be part of our center: those who see the future as an opportunity. In addition, this agreement means supporting and a key push for R&D&i in our country ”, says Rubén Criado.

Kaudal is also part of ARQUIMEA and works in technology patronage, looking for research companies with R&D&i projects that produce a positive impact and encourage the intensification of research in Spain, and puts them in contact with private investors to accelerate the growth of innovative companies and add value to society.

“In Kaudal we want to be present wherever innovative ideas are born, such as the Universidad Europea. Only this way will we be able to continue structuring and promoting high-impact projects in sectors such as Health, Biotech, Communications, Environmental sector, Robotics and other technologies of the future”, says Manuel García-Sañudo.