ARQUIMEA participates in the Space Tech Expo 2021 in Los Angeles

October 14, 2021
  • The company presented its latest innovations in the space sector in rad-hard microelectronics, hi-rel mechanisms and its manufacturing capabilities.
  • ARQUIMEA provides new sensing technology to NASA that enables the monitoring of gases inhaled and expelled by astronauts while inside spacesuits during crew training at the NBL (Neutral Buoyancy Laboratory at Sonny Carter Training Facility, Houston, Texas).
  • ARQUIMEA has a subsidiary in Los Angeles since 2019 carrying out aerospace projects in the U.S.

Los Angeles 14th October 2021

ARQUIMEA, technology company that operates globally in key sectors, attended a new edition of Space Tech Expo 2021 that took place in Long Beach from 6th to 8th October.

During the show, the company presented the latest innovations in the space sector in the field of rad-hard microelectronics, hi-rel mechanisms and actuators based in Shape Memory Alloys (TiNi and SMARQ®) technology and its manufacturing capabilities.

The company has over 18 years’ experience providing its components and technologies to satellites and key international space missions. Recently they participated with components for the environmental station on board the Rover Perseverance – Mars 2020 Nasa mission.

Besides its experience and capabilities, Arquimea works for NASA in a research project providing new sensing technology to NASA that enables the monitoring of gases inhaled and expelled by astronauts while inside spacesuits during crew training at the NBL (Neutral Buoyancy Laboratory at Sonny Carter Training Facility, Houston, Texas).

ARQUIMEA operates with an office in Los Angeles since 2019, carrying out aerospace projects and selling the products and capabilities of ARQUIMEA GROUP in the U.S.